Ekaterina POLONIA , I'm 37, from ragazze-italia

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Ekaterina POLONIA
Ekaterina POLONIA. Girl's code:

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To understand my real nature you need only to look at my photo) Who do you see there? Nice, bright, friendly and sympathetic lady. My mother always told, that it’s all written on my face) I believe it is a good feature. Moreover, being a sociable person, I have a lot of friends since I like to communicate with people. I am very positive and smiling and I am sure I laughter making my live longer)
Age 37 years old
Spoken languages basic English
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Green
Hair Light-brunette
Height 170 cm
Weight 59 Kg
She smokes No
Children She has children
son 2007
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Paesi della Comunità Europea
Title College
Employment il manager


Ekaterina POLONIA
Ekaterina POLONIA
Ekaterina POLONIA
Ekaterina POLONIA
Ekaterina POLONIA
Ekaterina POLONIA

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I'm 40 years old. I speak basic English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 42 years old. I speak advanced English. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 34 years old. I speak basic English and basic Italian. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 40 years old. I speak advanced English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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