ELENA, I'm 42, from ucraina-kiev

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
ELENA. Girl's code:

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I’m the most cheerful and optimistic, kind and open-hearted, sincere and faithful, loving and caring lady you can ever meet. If you want to be sure in this, please, write me immediately.  I am searching  for a serious and confident, caring and well-balanced, attentive and goal-oriented man. And moreover, you are extremely reliable, faithful and sincere. If someone knows how to treat a woman, it is definitely you! Am I right? You see, I knew you would exist.

Age 42 years old
Zodiac sign Aries
Birthday 5 April 1982
After 24 days it's her birthday!
Spoken languages intermediate English
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Gray
Hair Brunette
Height 171 cm
Weight 57 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Kiev
Title College
Employment Manager



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I'm 40 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Acquarium. I haven't children. I'm divorced...

I'm 41 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Cancer. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 43 years old. I speak intermediate English. Sign Aries. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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