ELENA, I'm 66, from ucraina-kiev

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
ELENA. Girl's code:

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I am energetic, vivacious, cheerful, self-confident, romantic and friendly. I like to be on the move. I like to move ahead "per aspera ad astra". My character is rather mild, but I can be quite a decisive person if need be. I am also sociable, open, easy to talk to. I am inclined to experience deep feelings which I treat very tenderly.

I am looking for a self-sufficient, confident person able to understand his nearest people. It would be great if you like being on the move as I do, are energetic and joyful, passionate and romantic.

Age 66 years old
Zodiac sign Pisces
Birthday 18 March 1958
After 24 days it's her birthday!
Spoken languages basic English
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Blue
Hair Blond
Height 161 cm
Weight 50 Kg
Children She has children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Kiev
Title College
Employment Accountant



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I'm 61 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Virgo. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 61 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Acquarium. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 61 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Pisces. I haven't children. I'm divorced...

I'm 63 years old. I speak basic English and basic Italian. Sign Scorpio. I have a child. I'm divorced...

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