OKSANA, I'm 45, from ucraina-kharkov

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
OKSANA. Girl's code:

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I've got a big variety of qualities that I’m proud of. I‘m kind, at the same time I’m optimistic and, not to forget. I’m cheerful. I try to always look at the bright side of things. At the same time I’m very responsible and purposeful. I believe that these qualities help me in my job. I treat people with patience and all my kindness. I’m open to the new possibilities in the life and I always learn something new, so thus I’m broad-minded and even a little adventurous. 

Age 45 years old
Zodiac sign Aries
Birthday 31 March 1979
After 19 days it's her birthday!
Spoken languages basic English
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Brown
Hair Brunette
Height 158 cm
Weight 52 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Kharkov
Title College
Employment Responsabile fornitore



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I'm 48 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Lion. I have a child. I'm divorced...

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