Alena, I'm 26, from ucraina-zaporizzja

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Alena. Girl's code:

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I am kind and well-balanced, I love communication this is an important part of my life. I am humble and honest and I think these are rarely met among young people nowadays. I am proud of what I am. Being a goal-oriented lady I still remember about dignity, I will never use methods that are not decent to achieve my aim. I am faithful and caring and I am a good housewife, I like my dwelling to be well-organized and clean! I love reading, books help to learn more and to develop my personality. I am a book-lover! I am also into cinema-going, I enjoy films with deep sense and good plot, I do not like silly comedies) I go in for dancing and sports. I love being active, so I hope my future husband will share these hobbies with me) I am eager to meet a man who is well-educated and mature. Who is manful, strong, good-looking and has his own opinion. He is a hard-worker, but not a workaholic! He is kind and caring, goal-oriented and has high moral standards. He loves sports, life and kids!)
Age 26 years old
Spoken languages basic English
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Brown
Hair Blond
Height 169 cm
Weight 45 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Zaporizzja
Title College
Employment A manager



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