Alena, I'm 34, from ragazze-italia

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Alena. Girl's code:

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I love life and can enjoy it. I am an active girl and you will never be bored with me. I know what I want in life and am not afraid to change my life if this is for a brighter and happier future. I am interested in serious relationships and I think that next to me my man will feel confident, inspired and happy. I am open and sincere with people. It is very interesting to talk with me on different kinds of topics. My hobbies: I have variety of interests, it’s real pleasure for me to listen to good music, sometimes I even can sing in karaoke. Sport is an important part of my life, now I play tennis. Sometimes I can pay bowling in a pleasant company of friends. I like to go to cinema and just watch nice films at home. I adore good restaurants with good music and relaxing atmosphere. I adore reading and self-education is really important for me. I hope my man will be on the same page with me.
Age 34 years old
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Blue
Hair Light-brunette
Height 178 cm
Weight 60 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Paesi della Comunità Europea
Title College
Employment Coaching



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I'm 33 years old. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 29 years old. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 32 years old. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 29 years old. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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