Dariya, I'm 37, from ucraina-odessa

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Dariya. Girl's code:

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I am a vibrant, independent, and happy woman who walks through life with confidence. I love being active in all aspects—whether it’s sports, engaging discussions, or self-improvement. Determined, patient, and responsible, I always strive to achieve my goals, but I also deeply appreciate sincerity, warmth, and genuine emotions. Having lived in Greece and Spain, I have learned to embrace different cultures, enjoy life to the fullest, and find the perfect balance between passion and tranquility. I dream of meeting someone with whom I can share not only joyful moments but also build something real and lasting. My hobbies: I am passionate about staying active and leading a healthy lifestyle. I go to the gym regularly, enjoying frequent and intense workouts that keep me energized and motivated. Tennis is another big part of my life—I love the competitive spirit, the strategy, and the excitement of the game. Sports are not just a hobby for me; they are a way to challenge myself, stay disciplined, and feel my best every day.
Age 37 years old
Spoken languages intermediate English
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Blue-gray
Hair Blond
Height 176 cm
Weight 60 Kg
She smokes No
Children She has children
Daughter, 2017
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Odessa
Title College
Employment Head manager



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I'm 42 years old. I have a child. I'm divorced...

new! I'm 35 years old. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

new! I'm 41 years old. I speak intermediate English. I have a child. I'm unmarried...

new! I'm 38 years old. I speak basic English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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