Elena, I'm 44, from ucraina-khmelnytskyi

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Elena. Girl's code:

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I am a very responsible, kind and sincere woman. I am positive, I have a lot of energy and thirst for life. I really know how to love sincerely. I am gentle and caring, it is easy for me to find common ground with people. I am open to everything new and interesting! My friends often tell me that I am extremely focused and I believe that this is one of my strengths. I am a very active woman and it is important for me to spend time with benefit. I love to draw, it relaxes me and frees me from thoughts and makes me free. One of my favorite hobbies is social dancing. It develops my sexuality and flexibility. I also do yoga actively, it relaxes me. Of course, I travel a lot in connection with my work and I really like it.
Age 44 years old
Spoken languages intermediate English, basic Italian and basic Polish
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Green
Hair Blond
Height 166 cm
Weight 65 Kg
She smokes No
Children She has children
Son, 2004
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Khmelnytskyi
Title College
Employment Turismo



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