Irina, I'm 43, from ucraina-rivne

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Irina. Girl's code:

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I live in Vinnytsa. I can say that I am an intelligent, optimistic, easy-going, active woman. I prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. I am sociable and always enjoy interesting communication. I am very sincere. I want to feel loved, valued and have the same values ​​and outlook on life with my future husband. My hobbies: I do yoga and meditation. I like traveling. It is so pleasant for me to spend time walking in nature, reading books or swimming. I am easy to get up to and always ready for adventure! I like to go to Lviv for the weekend!
Age 43 years old
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Blue
Hair Light-brunette
Height 172 cm
Weight 65 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Rivne
Title College
Employment Sales manager



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I'm 45 years old. I haven't children. I'm divorced...

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