Katerina, I'm 30, from ragazze-italia

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Katerina. Girl's code:

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I feel that to be a 100 percent happy person I need to meet my second half and my true love! Maybe I am not perfect for someone but I am sure that will be special and perfect for my only one! You will see that my character is rather easy and friendly. Sometimes I can be a little bit crazy but in a good sense of this word. I am sure that you will like it!
Age 30 years old
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Blue
Hair Blond
Height 156 cm
Weight 57 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Paesi della Comunità Europea
Title College
Employment Work in a clothing and cosmetics warehouse



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I'm 35 years old. I speak intermediate English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 29 years old. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 32 years old. I speak intermediate English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 32 years old. I speak advanced English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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