Liliya, I'm 52, from ucraina-kiev

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Liliya. Girl's code:

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Being a kind-hearted, sympathetic, responsible and hard-working person is not easy, you know, but it is all I am and can’t live another way. I can also add to have a great sense of humour, to be gentle, feminine and active. What else to add? I don’t know now, really. Let’s talk further:-) I am in love with theatre, music and really good literature. But, truly speaking, I am more an active and sportive person – bicycling, playing bowling tournaments, table tennis, rollers, skating. And certainly, I can’t imagine my life even without the shortest trips:-) My man is to be the last love of my life. I dream and hope him to be a thoughtful, sympathetic, responsible, hard-working, humorous, tender-hearted and ready to share just everything life is going to face us with together. I need a true one! 


Age 52 years old
Zodiac sign Lion
Birthday 4 Agust 1972
Spoken languages basic English and intermediate Dutch
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Green
Hair Light-brunette
Height 162 cm
Weight 52 Kg
She smokes No
Children She has children
daughter - 1992
son - 2003
son - 2009
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Kiev
Title College
Employment Educatore



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