Lyudmila, I'm 28, from ucraina-rivne

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Lyudmila. Girl's code:

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I live in Ternopil.I am a determined, charismatic, and punctual person who enjoys life to the fullest. I have a deep appreciation for aesthetics and beauty and find joy in the small, happy moments of everyday life. I value sincerity and meaningful connections and dream of meeting someone interesting and serious with whom I can share love and happiness. My hobbies: I have several hobbies that bring me joy and help me stay balanced. One of my main passions is playing the piano. I enjoy learning new pieces, improving my technique, and expressing emotions through music. It is a great way to relax and be creative. In addition, I go to the gym three times a week. Fitness is an important part of my routine, as it helps me stay healthy, strong, and full of energy. Regular workouts improve my physical condition and give me a sense of accomplishment.
Age 28 years old
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Blue-gray
Hair Light-brunette
Height 160 cm
Weight 46 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Rivne
Title College
Employment IT specialist



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