Nataliya, I'm 41, from ragazze-italia

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Nataliya. Girl's code:

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I am a very friendly, kind, open, positive and purposeful woman. I like to communicate with people. I listen attentively, support and enjoy the dialogue with people. I am open to everything new. I love to travel and discover new countries, new cultures, and meet people. I can be demanding of myself and others. You can always rely on me. In relationships I am faithful, caring and loving. My hobbies: I like to listen to music. I like to travel. I am fond of dancing, singing, and studying the culture of other countries. I am also interested in psychology and I like to read different articles on the Internet. I also enjoy reading books on psychology. I am interested in self development and I like the topic which deals with relationships between people.
Age 41 years old
Spoken languages intermediate English
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Blue-gray
Hair Light-brunette
Height 160 cm
Weight 68 Kg
She smokes No
Children She has children
Son, 2010
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Paesi della Comunità Europea
Title College
Employment Marketer



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I'm 38 years old. I speak intermediate English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 37 years old. I have a child. I'm unmarried...

I'm 45 years old. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 38 years old. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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