Nataliya, I'm 39, from ucraina-poltava

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Nataliya. Girl's code:

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I live in Chernihiv. The most important thing I want to tell you about me is that I really want to be a woman in love in a happy relationship with a wonderful man! I am very caring, attentive, honest and kind. Family is very important in my life and I am ready to have it. I am a biologist doctor and work in the laboratory. I am responsible and attentive but when I am with a man I love I am tender and relaxed. My hobbies: I am fond of sports and I like to be active. It is always nice to travel or to be in nature. I like reading and learning new things. Self development is interesting for me. It is also very nice to go out with friends somewhere.
Age 39 years old
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Gray
Hair Light-brunette
Height 168 cm
Weight 56 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Poltava
Title College
Employment medical worker



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I'm 41 years old. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

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