Nataliya, I'm 43, from ucraina-khmelnytskyi

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Nataliya. Girl's code:

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I am a woman who is beautiful both inside and out, and I look younger than my age. With many professional experiences behind me, I am now in a position to enjoy life and focus on what truly matters. Originally from Chernivtsi and live in this city right now I lived in Israel before the war began. I am sociable, charming, and genuinely interested in building a serious relationship. I dream of creating a loving family and making my partner truly happy. I am ready and eager to meet someone in real life, as I believe that genuine connections are built in person. If you’re looking for a deep, meaningful bond, I would love to get to know you. My hobbies: My hobbies include both a healthy lifestyle and nurturing my physical and spiritual well-being. I am passionate about sports and fitness, and I regularly visit the gym to engage in a variety of workouts. This includes strength training, cardio exercises, and flexibility. I also dedicate time to stretching, which is an essential part of my fitness regimen. Another activity that I enjoy is swimming. Beyond physical activities, I find great inspiration in reading the Bible. It serves as a source of strength and guidance in my life. The wisdom and teachings from the Bible provide me with a sense of peace and purpose, which I carry into my daily routine
Age 43 years old
Civil status Unmarried
Eyes Green
Hair Blond
Height 165 cm
Weight 55 Kg
She smokes No
Children She hasn't children
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Ucraina Khmelnytskyi
Title College
Employment economist ( doesn't work at the moment)



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I'm 41 years old. I speak advanced English. I haven't children. I'm unmarried...

I'm 43 years old. I have a child. I'm divorced...

I'm 42 years old. I have a child. I'm divorced...

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