Varvara, I'm 51, from ragazze-italia

Bandiera per la lingua in italiano
Varvara. Girl's code:

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My children have grown up and now the moment has come when I have to take care of my personal life. I hope to find a person who will make me believe, trust, and love again. Friends say that I am a very cheerful woman and always make people smile. I have a good sense of humor and a positive attitude towards life. But despite my cheerful nature, I am a very serious and holistic person. I know what I want and I am firmly moving towards my goal. I can list my virtues for a long time, but I think that true dignity is like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. I think that knowing me you will be able to appreciate the full range of my pluses.
Age 51 years old
Spoken languages advanced English
Civil status Divorced
Eyes Green
Hair Dark-brunette
Height 168 cm
Weight 67 Kg
She smokes No
Children She has children
Son, 1995
Daughter, 1996
Daughter, 2006
Nationality Ucrainian
Origin Paesi della Comunità Europea
Title Professional school
Employment Biologist



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