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I am an attractive, hearty and charming chestnut lady:). I am very sociable, cheerful, stable, reliable, attentive, open, curious, goal-oriented, decent, passionate and caring.
You take a realistic view on the things in your daily life and are purposeful, intelligent, interesting and active, and a romantic and tender one on the relations with your beloved woman. You have a level head and heart of gold.
Age | 58 years old |
Zodiac sign | Lion |
Birthday | 19 Agust 1966 |
Spoken languages | basic English |
Civil status | Divorced |
Eyes | Gray |
Hair | Brunette |
Height | 170 cm |
Weight | 60 Kg |
She smokes | No |
Children |
She has children son,1998
Nationality | Ucrainian |
Origin | Ucraina Kiev |
Title | College |
Employment | Teacher |
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I'm 58 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Pisces. I have a child. I'm divorced...
I'm 57 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Taurus. I have a child. I'm divorced...
I'm 58 years old. I speak basic English and basic Italian. Sign Libra. I have a child. I'm divorced...
I'm 59 years old. I speak basic English. Sign Acquarium. I have a child. I'm divorced...
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